Friday, August 26, 2011


SILENCE... different from "quiet"...
there is texture in silence,
and movement,
and feeling...
there is tension and release
the inside
of a large, cool sphere,
green water,
blue rain,
gold light...
the whirr of business...

all the movement echoes....
all the strings are muted.....

"hush" is such a pretty word,
a crystal word...
you can pour light out of your hands
like water... touch air... breathe life....
the sun shines through your hand,
and the bones slide
and the blood dances....

...conscious of me--- i --- small letter....
a separate creation--
a part of Creation...
all moving and real and Alive...
and all that is...

unafraid of the wasps,
as neither of us intrudes....
they breathe their universe,
i mine...
we share life...
we notice, but do not mark,
one another....

...the mechanical world...
not intrusion,
an airplane right as a birdsong
in time, space,
silence to hear them both.... speaks to the world
in silence only...
words retard communication....
the stillness shimmers,
strings of silk...

the sound of one heart beating
is the pulse
of the world.....

1984, Dallas, Texas

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