Monday, January 3, 2011

A Good Day To Begin....

No, it isn't the first of January. I actually considered re-dating this post, but I am glad I didn't, because next year I would be confused and think I had done something I did not do. But here it is the third of January, and I am able to blog about the last three days, and feel as if my time has been well-spent.

On New Year's Day, an old tradition took its fifteenth year of presence in my life. Yes, Brie and I have been together for fifteen New Year's Celebrations. We have a tradition that we don't turn on the phone, we don't go anywhere, or have any company, either on New Year's Eve or on New Year's Day. It's our time. We drink some...I chose to get quietly tipsy this year, and thoroughly enjoyed it....we look at tv, we relax together, we toast the New Year together, and we simply spend New Year's Day looking back at the past year and forward at the year to come, and enjoying our life together. I wouldn't have wanted anything different.

On Sunday, the 2nd, we attended "Spackle Sunday" and had our hands in the creation...literally....of the new Salt Lake City Pagan Community Center, Crone's Hollow. I am so excited about this project that you might find more than one blog post about it. You wouldn't have believed the marvelously positive community energy that was evident at this event, or the way people hung out afterwards, ate pizza, chatted, drank coffee, played chess, and gave me a real view of what true community might be going to be like. We get to do it again next weekend, in a different fashion. I am terribly excited about this...

And then there was today...yes, I did hurt my back when I helped with the floor-spackling. Bending over from the waist to do work situated on the floor is not a really healthy position for me to hold for more than an hour. But I did, and I am glad I got to help. But today...OWIE!! My back's been in spasms all day the plan to go down to the City Library for John McHugh's lecture didn't take place....driving the car, at night, in pain, in 12 degree weather..? No. But it didn't stop me from one of my New Years' "plans" (my FB entry will tell you why I am not saying "resolutions"), to clean my office and completely re-do my altar. I did that, and each and every piece on it has purpose, placement, and provenance. I will be doing my personal Work there, every day. Personal daily practice has kind of fallen off my radar, but it is back. Flamekeeping, too. And Dark and Full Moon work, personal work....but that's for tomorrow....

And that is why this post belongs here. Because I am inaugurating, tomorrow, my 1734 Tradition, the Four Dragons Clan, and beginning my own development of the Wraith of 1734 which was entrusted to me by Joe. My rite, my format and my resonances will be all in line with 1734. If I get to incorporate this into WiseCraft through the DRD, all the better. But even if I don't get is my Trad, and I am going to enlarge it.

More tomorrow about how that goes, and what is part of it...

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